Minggu, 14 November 2010

Say Hi, Dire Ca Va!

Like I said, Ca va!

So this blog wouldn't be all heavy content with , you know, heavy stuff. I myself have been very grateful that finally this urge to write came all over again, been losing it for years. Talking from the circumstances, my hopefully-soon-to-have readers, Insya Allah, would have the chance to get to know moi  by entries I am about to submit. Unspoken thoughts, hidden or discovered ambitions would be written in a very simple, my, way. Nothing really heavy, really.

Saya senang ada tempat curhat lagi selama bertahun-tahun lupa dengan -sebenarnya- betapa butuhnya saya akan sebuah media untuk tumpahin semuanya. Pacar saya, ya, dia sering ketumpahan segalanya hahaha.. Tapi poor him ya kalau ketumpahan yang gak jelas juntrungannya apa. So I decided to finally do this. Kalau kata seseorang bernama Titis Lintang Andari yang mengaku sering jadi korban ketumpahan saya terutama setiap 1/3 malam, ya ini juga buat dia, supaya gak ketumpahan lagi :)

I can , at least, guarantee 80% of people reading the title of my blog is sad and pathetic. Who wants to be mediocre and then placidly declare it? Well, first thing first, I don't want to be  a mediocre. I once said that it is worse than being the worst. But, here I am. After a long talk with oneself and disputing and comparing (yes, I like to compare) what I do and people don't, what I don't have whilst people do, what I am concerning and people are ignoring, this oneself made a conclusion that I am not the best and I  far from worst (hahaha ini butuh justifikasi) thus, I am in the middle and made me a mediocre.

I am a very blunt person yet in a lot of occasions I consider other's feeling too much. In the blunt side of moi, then there I said it, that I am a mediocre. Banyak aspek yang men-drive ke conclusion ini. And I am not feeling like type all of it down at this minute, but I guess, well I am pretty sure that I would. For the sake karena saya orangnya doyan curhat aja. In that matter, satu hal yang perlu di-cultivate baik-baik dalam diri saya bahwa pada akhirnya bukan hal yang buruk untuk jadi orang yang biasa-biasa saja. Memang akan terdengar butuh banyak sokongan arguments untuk ini, kalau saya terlalu memikirkan tanggapan atau pandangan orang lain. But coming from my perspective, yes it does have some advantages (well, that's not really the word) being a mediocre.

You can simply stand between the two watching both growing or falling at the same time and decide which way you're going. It is an old say but somehow true that when you're in the highest position you can be, it is so hard to look down. And I am talking real hard. This one is one thing about being a mediocre. The most important I shall mention is that the urge of stepping forward (or backward) is always there. Itu setidaknya apa yang saya rasakan dan pikirkan. Ah, my first unspoken thoughts :)

So, allow me to say hello to all of you who are interested to be my new acquitances and hopefully-soon-to-be-friends through this social portal. Sincerely, this page is a new start for me to take a step forward to the untouched level of, I don't know, self exploring. Haha pardon for being so weird.


Shafira Nindya Putri

" Would the sun shine brighter if you played a bigger part 
Would you be wonderful if it wasn't for the weather 
You're gonna be just fine "
Would You Be Happier? - The Corrs 

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